Monthly Archives: February 2009

Some *Very* useful websites I enjoy…

It’s a busy world out there! While juggling my busy life, I value and love things that entertain, simplify & improve! These sites are places that I frequent-my hangouts if you will, and I thought you might benefit and enjoy them as well!

juggle Tons of fonts organized by style, free to download & use. *I am a Font addict*.

How Stuff Works~ HowStuffWorks explains hundreds of subjects, from car engines to lock-picking to ESP, using clear language and tons of illustrations. I love it!

Musicovery~ Discover new music based on your mood, this free webradio lets you browse music styles and epochs. I use this while working in my shop pouring Candles-I set the mood I am in, and Musicovery does the rest. It is a great way to sample things and find new favorites too!


Technorati~ Technorati was founded to help bloggers succeed by collecting, highlighting, and distributing the global online conversation. See Who is saying What right NOW!

Twitter~ Twitter is a free social messaging utility for staying connected in real-time. *warning* More than a little bit addiciting!

What should I read next? ~Enter a book you like and the site will analyse our database of real readers’ favourite books (over 65,000 and growing) to suggest what you could read next.

DeviantArt~Where Art meets application – community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints & applications.

Survey Monkey~ is a revolutionary tool to create and publish custom surveys in minutes, and then view results graphically and in real time.

Only 2 Clicks~ Bookmarking website that lets you store and categorize websites so that you can get back to websites in only 2 clicks. With Only 2 Clicks you can access your bookmarks anywhere anytime…even from your iPhone.

Online Conversions~ Convert just about anything to anything else.

Customer Service Manager~ Resource for Customer Service Managers & Professionals, improve your customer service, free customer service articles & advice.

Rhyme Zone~ A rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, spell checker, and word finding tool for poets, writers, musicians, and language enthusiasts. *Includes a Shakespeare quotes section as well as famous document seach.

Do you use any of these resources? What are some of your favorite online resources?